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The graduate program in fluid mechanics includes experimental, numerical, and theoretical studies related to a range of topics in fluid mechanics, such as turbulent flows, hypersonic flows, microscale and nanoscale flow phenomena, aeroacoustics, bio fluid mechanics, chemically reactive flows, chemical reaction kinetics, numerical methods for computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and experimental methods. The educational program for graduate students provides a strong foundational background in classical incompressible and compressible flows, while providing elective breadth courses in advanced specialty topics such as computational fluid dynamics, microfluidics, bio fluid mechanics, hypersonics, reactive flow, fluid stability, turbulence, and experimental methods.
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The Thin Films, Interfaces, Composites, Characterization Laboratory consists of a Nd:YAG laser of 1 Joule capacity with three ns pulse widths, a state-of-the-art optical interferometer including an ultra high-speed digitizer, sputter deposition chamber, 56 Kip-capacity servohydraulic biaxial test frame, walk-in freezer, polishing and imaging equipment for microstructural characterization for measurement and control study of thin film interface strength, NDE using laser ultrasound, de-icing of structural surfaces, and characterization of composites under multiaxial stress state.
As one of the important components of SiC fiber-reinforced matrix composites, the interphase is the key to realizing the integration of structure bearing and microwave absorption. It is widely acknowledged that the interphase plays a dominant role in mechanical performance in terms of crack arresting or deflection. Meanwhile, it also acts as an electromagnetic impedance matching layer which determines the overall absorbing performance of composites. In spite of a number of microwave absorbing performances by single interphase coated SiC fibers that have been reported previously, such as PyC or BN interphase [17,18,19,20,21,22,23], the number of studies investigating the electromagnetic response of this unique gradient hybrid layer of modified SiC fibers with Ti3SiC2 interphase remain relatively few [24,25,26,27]. Therefore, it is quite essential to explore the microwave scattering and transmission behaviors of this bilayered coating on SiC fibers.
Indeed, life is an algorithm. DNA is code. And, as never before, humans now have the ability to crack the code and reprogram the instruction set. Genome editing, with breakthrough tools such as CRISPR, allows us to edit DNA more precisely and efficiently than ever before. The implications will be nothing short of sweeping, from breakthroughs in health to new approaches to tackling climate change. And, if we ever get serious about large scale space exploration and planetary colonization, these technologies could even enable us to design humans genetically adapted to withstand the rigors of space.