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The Contestations and Developments of Postcolonial Theory in Contemporary Postcolonial Theory: A Reader

in addition, i will focus on some of the important works in the theoretical tradition that is central to contemporary postcolonial theory, namely, the work of michel foucault, gayatri spivak, homi bhabha, judith butler, and edward said. for example, i will read foucaults discipline and punish and spivaks outside/in. i will also consider the feminist critique of these thinkers, with a focus on spivak, whose work has been particularly influential in literary theory.

contemporary postcolonial theory a reader pdf

finally, i will consider the work of two men from the global south who have influenced recent postcolonial theorizing. these are eduardo cadava and peter osborne. cadava is the author of books like the scenarios of philosophy. in this book, cadava argues that the rupture in western philosophy since descartes has been the suppression of the possibility of other kinds of experience, of other modes of consciousness, other methods of thought. that is, the standard practices of philosophy since descartes were intended to exclude from philosophical inquiry the very possibility of other modes of thought, other ways of experiencing the world. this exclusion made possible the rise of western philosophy as the only mode of thought. in his work, cadava offers an alternative, he calls it a post-cartesian philosophy. he emphasizes the epistemological importance of the body and emphasizes a sort of mystical experience of the body. he stresses the importance of the body and of sensuous experience in philosophical thinking. in the post-colonial context, it is crucial to point out that cadava rejects, as does edward said, the presumption of universalist philosophy, a philosophy that assumes that all modes of thought are equivalent and thus the legitimate object of philosophical inquiry. in his reading of post-colonial theory, cadava finds a challenge to the opposition between universalism and post-colonialism. for cadava, the post-colonial turn is the recognition of the importance of the very forms of thought that have been suppressed. this suppression of other modes of thought has been understood by cadava as the suppression of the body.


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