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Separated Road and Trek KML Tracks: Cottonwood Marble Road ( 6 KB download), Cottonwood Canyon Road (16 KB download), Marble Canyon Road (2 KB download). Cross Country Trek (39 KB download).
GPS Waypoints (less than 2 KB download each): Cottonwood/Marble parking for 2WD vehicles, chokestone obstacle, Deadhorse saddle traverse, Cottonwood Canyon camping area, Cottonwood Canyon, Cottonwood Canyon End Road, Cottonwood/Marble Canyon Road intersection, Cottonwood Saddle, Lemoigne Turnoff, Cottonwood Valley, Cottonwood/Marble Camp, Cottonwood Canyon Spring, Cottonwood Springs Camping, Cottonwood Springs, Deadhorse Canyon Camping, Deadhorse Canyon Dryfall, Deadhorse Spring, Dry Spring on Pass, end Marble Canyon Road, Lemoigne Canyon turnoff, Lower Marble Canyon Narrows, Marble & Deadhorse Canyon intersection, Middle Marble Canyon Narrows, rocky outcropping Cottonwood Canyon, saddle looking down Deadhorse, Upper Marble Canyon Narrows.
How can I make copies of these Mars Explorers Wanted posters?Download the full-size posters above and provide the files to your local print shop. You can print these posters for non-commercial use.Please consult the NASA Reproduction Guidelines for further details on this or other uses.
Cloud storage shows the cloud storage services you've connected to Teams. Select a service to view your cloud files.From here, you can delete any personal file you've added to Teams, upload files, and create new files. Files added to cloud storage are private until you share them.By default, OneDrive cloud storage will be available. If your IT admin made it possible to add other cloud storage services, you'll see an Add cloud storage button at the bottom of the screen.
NC State logotype files are font-independent. The prescribed Univers fonts do not need to be loaded on your system, and no license is needed. The PNG files of the NC State brick for Web uses are available in several sizes, from the smallest allowable to the largest. The EPS files have been created as line-art vector files and are the only logos that should ever be used for print because vector files will print cleanly at any size. The JPG logos should only be used for PowerPoint or Microsoft Office documents.
The EPS, PNG and SVG files are available below. For print projects, use the EPS files to ensure that icons print clearly at any size. PNG files should only be used in PowerPoint and Microsoft Office. SVG files are for web purposes.
All new applicants whose fingerprints are not on file with the Milwaukee Police Department must report between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM (Monday thru Friday, excluding holidays) to the Police Administration Building, 951 N. James Lovell Street (7th St), Room 305 to be fingerprinted. If you have previously been fingerprinted by the Milwaukee Police Department, call (414) 935-7281 to determine whether your fingerprints are still on file. Renewal applicants do not need to be re-fingerprinted by the police department.
You can find information about how to file comments in our rulemaking proceedings by selecting -comment. In addition to adopting rules, we establish broadcast regulatory policies through the individual cases that we decide, such as those involving license renewals, station sales, and complaints about violations of Commission rules.
Broadcast licenses generally expire on a staggered basis, by state, with most radio licenses expiring between October 1, 2019, and August 1, 2022, and most television licenses expiring between October 1, 2020, and August 1, 2023, one year after the radio licenses in the same state. Before you file a petition to deny an application, you should check our rules and policies to make sure that your petition complies with our procedural requirements. For a more complete description of these procedures and requirements, see -television-license-renewal for television for television, and for radio. Alternatively, you can also file an informal objection, which has fewer procedural requirements, often takes the form of a simple letter, and will be considered if received at any time before we either grant or deny the application. Instructions for filing informal objections can be found at -informal-complaint.
Each licensee, regardless of size, must file an FCC Form 396 EEO Program Report with its license renewal application. Finally, a prospective station licensee expecting to employ five or more full-time employees must file an FCC Form 396-A Broadcast Model Program Report with its new station or assignment or transfer application. The FCC reviews EEO compliance at the time it considers the station renewal application, when it reviews public file reports at the mid-point of license terms, when it receives EEO complaints, and during random station audits. A full range of enforcement actions is available for EEO violations, including imposing reporting conditions, forfeitures, short -term license renewal, and license revocation.
(Licensees were formerly required to file an EEO mid-term report -- FCC Form 397 -- at the mid-point of the license term, but that requirement was eliminated in 2019. Stations that filed Form 397 during their current license terms should keep the form in their public file until grant of their next license renewal application.)
Requirement to Maintain a Public Inspection File. Virtually all licensees and permittees of TV and radio stations and applicants for new broadcast stations are required to maintain records that must be made available for public inspection. For many stations, these records are maintained in a public insprction file that must contain documents relevant to the station's operation and dealings with the community and the FCC. LPTV and LPFM stations do not have a public inspection file but are required to maintain a political file.
In 2012, the FCC modernized its public inspection file requirements by mandating that full power and Class A TV stations make their public inspection files available through a Commission-hosted online public file, In 2016, the Commission continued its modernization effort by requiring that broadcast radio licensees also post their public file documents to the FCC-hosted online public file. The Commission took a number of steps to minimize the burden of the online file on broadcast stations. Broadcasters are required to upload only those items required to be in the public file but not otherwise filed with the Commission or available in a Commission database. The Commission will upload to the online file itself any document required to be retained in the file that also must be filed electronically with the Commission.
Political File (73.3526(e)(6), 73.3527(e)(5)) (retain for two years). This file must contain all requests for specific schedules of advertising time by candidates and certain issue advertisers, as well as the final dispositions or "deals" agreed to by the broadcaster and the advertiser in response to any requests. It is not necessary to retain any of the materials relating to the negotiation between the parties to reach the disposition. The file must also include the reconciliation of the deal such as a description of when advertising actually aired, advertising preempted, and the timing of any make-goods of preempted time, as well as credits or rebates given to the advertiser. The request and disposition must be placed in the file as soon as possible, which the Commission has determined is immediately absent extraordinary circumstances. The reconciliation information need not be placed in the file, immediately, but the broadcaster must identify a person or persons at the station capable of informing an advertiser of the details of any reconciliation information.
Every three years, commercial TV stations must decide whether their relationship with each local cable system and satellite carrier that offers local service will be governed by must-carry or by retransmission consent agreements. Each commercial full power and Class A station must keep a copy of its decision in the public file for the three-year period to which it pertains.
Noncommercial stations are not entitled to compensation in return for carriage on a cable or satellite system, but they may request mandatory carriage on the system. If an NCE asks for carriage, then a copy of the request must be kept in the public file for the duration of time the request covers.
If you do not file an on-line complaint at -us, at a minimum your complaint should indicate: (1) the call letters of the station; (2) the city and state in which the station is located; (3) the name, time, and date of the specific program or advertisement in question, if applicable; (4) the name of anyone contacted at the station, if applicable; and (5) a statement of the problem, as specific as possible, together with an audio or video tape, CD, DVD or other recording or transcript of the program or advertisement that is the subject of your complaint (if possible). Please include your name and address if you would like information on the final disposition of your complaint; you may request confidentiality. We prefer that you submit complaints in writing, although you may submit complaints that are time-sensitive by telephone, especially if they involve safety concerns. Please be aware that we can only act on allegations that a station has violated a provision of the Communications Act or the FCC's rules or policies.
In addition to (or instead of) filing a complaint, you can file a petition to deny or an informal objection to an application that a station licensee has filed, such as a license renewal application. This procedure is discussed earlier in this Manual. You may also want to consider reviewing our rules or contacting an attorney. You can find links to our rules on the Commission website at -divisions/technologies-systems-and-innovation-division/rules-regulations-title-47. As noted earlier, the rules governing broadcast stations are generally found in Part 73 of Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations. 041b061a72