The Dark Descent Ebook Rar
The Dark Descent Ebook Rar
I was just drifting off to sleep when I hearda rustle at the door. Quickly wrappingmy blankets about me I arose and put alegendary poker in my brass candlestick. Itook the poker and held it at arm’s lengthso that the light from the candlestickwould not strike the intruder square in theeyes. While I was waiting I thoughtthat I had the door locked, as I had lockedit when I went to sleep; and I was surethat I had drawn both bolts, and I wascertain that the windows were fastened.Still I was afraid to open the door for fearthe[81] intruder should be only a dream.[80]Suddenly I heard a voice which said: “Why areyou there?” and then another: “Who are you?” The voice was as soft as a breath of wind,but it was clear and distinct. I opened thedoor and looked out. There stood a manbefore me. He was well dressed and hadevidently been at a fire. His hands wereburnt. The other man was following himbut was hidden by the edge of the forest.He was unarmed. In the feeble light of thecandle I saw that he was young, about myage, but much taller than myself. Hehad a face that was the face of an angeland his hair was a golden glory. I wassorry for him and ashamed of myself forbeing so frightened; but he was a manof flesh and blood, with nothing supernaturalabout him. He gave me a friendly greetingand the other man came forward and stoodwithout. The darkness hid his face, forhe was not a very large man. I wishedthere were some way I could repay themfor their kindness, but I did notknow what they expected of me. Theman who had the burnt hands said: “We havea great deal of camp-fire left. Come downand warm yourself.”
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