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Success Intermediate Teacher's Book Pdf 15

"College Success" is comprehensive and covers all the areas and ideas introduced in student success textbooks. The organization of the content in each chapter introduces the topics sequentially, which is conducive to exploring the various more

Success Intermediate Teacher's Book Pdf 15

"College Success" is comprehensive and covers all the areas and ideas introduced in student success textbooks. The organization of the content in each chapter introduces the topics sequentially, which is conducive to exploring the various topics.

The strategies in the textbook are relevant to college success but can easily be updated to embed new techniques and theories. They can easily be implemented in the current text or added to the existing content.

College Success, is comprehensive to the subject matters pertaining to the topic. Chapters 1-3 and 9-124 certainly embody the student experience. This Open Source Textbook has great visuals, and assessment students can rate themselves to see where they are on their journey.. The text is set up in an easy, quick flow manner; really gets to the point. Chapter 7 is vital part of college experience to be successful

One strength of the book is the tone. The authors are realistic about the challenges that students may face, but present them in a supportive way and encourage students to have a positive attitude. Throughout the text, the authors remind students that the ultimate responsibility for college success belongs to them, and they give suggestions for how to adapt to less-than-ideal (or less-than-preferred) situations, like being in a large lecture class.

I found College Success to be a highly comprehensive book! It covers just about every area you can think of in regards to student success, and it does so in great depth on each and every topic. This would be a great text to use in a first more

I found College Success to be a highly comprehensive book! It covers just about every area you can think of in regards to student success, and it does so in great depth on each and every topic. This would be a great text to use in a first year experience course-- I've been inspired to try out a lot of the included activities with my own first year seminar course. The book does not include an index, but it doesn't need one as the table of contents is detailed enough to help you find anything you need.

College Success is a detail oriented text for students new to higher education. The wide array of topics included are those that can assist on how to be a successful first year college student. The length of the book is a concern, but the more

College Success is a detail oriented text for students new to higher education. The wide array of topics included are those that can assist on how to be a successful first year college student. The length of the book is a concern, but the content is very well summarized. I'm unsure if students would actually take the time to read it thoroughly. It could be a valuable text if used in a success course or as supplementatl instruction in a new student colloquia. This could also be useful as an online first semester course with follow up guidance from an advisor (or counselor). It's also generic and applicable to a variety of students. Very comprehensive overall!

I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to use this book with first year students at no cost to them. Thanks Creative Commons licensing. The book layout makes it easy to include supplemental materials applicable to a specific institution. It is formatted as a workbook or practical guide for the student that chooses to be successful. Relevant for a first year student.

This text was published in 2015. Information contained in general student success text books typically have a fairly long shelf life. I have worked with several publishers during my career. I find it helpful to customize the text to the institution. Again, the general information doesn't change too much; however, connecting students to the institution and their academic departments early is critical for student success, retention and persistence.

Having taught first year seminars for a number of years, the numerous topics covered within the text are the traditional topics for student success including study skill, college orientation and personal choice strategies. This textbook more

Having taught first year seminars for a number of years, the numerous topics covered within the text are the traditional topics for student success including study skill, college orientation and personal choice strategies. This textbook includes a thorough list of topics for a first year course.

The text covers all of the typical topics for a college success textbook. The number of chapters can easily be covered in a 16 week semester. I did not see a glossary or index listed with the text. I think a glossary is essential for more

The text covers all of the typical topics for a college success textbook. The number of chapters can easily be covered in a 16 week semester. I did not see a glossary or index listed with the text. I think a glossary is essential for students new to college.

The textbook covers the major topics for student success that would be expected in a book that is now several years old. It has substantial chapters on adapting to college and, to its credit, includes small parts that are directed more

The textbook covers the major topics for student success that would be expected in a book that is now several years old. It has substantial chapters on adapting to college and, to its credit, includes small parts that are directed at non-traditional learners in addition to the primary audience of just-out-of-high-school learners, making it useful at a community college level.

Again, the book has some information that's timeless, such as goal-setting information, thinking about thinking, and some general college advice. It would be useful to have more information about the distractions of electronic media and smartphones -- or on how to incorporate these successfully into college study.

I found the text clear and easy to follow. The challenge of a college success type book is to able to reach and engage students at various levels. College Success does this. Chapter One set the tone and provides a sound foundation for the chapters that follow.

The book compares very well against the expensive text that was previously being used. The layout is clear, topics are covered thoroughly, and it with the exception of frequently needing to check and update links, it has the staying power to be a credible book for several years. I find it refreshing that the book handles the non-academic topics of "Taking Control of Your Health" and "Taking Control of Your Finances." These are two areas that are seldom covered sufficiently, yet can be crucial to a student's success in college. As the Department Chair, I was excited to find alternatives to expensive print textbooks. College Success does an excellent job of presenting the material while eliminating the financial burden of buying a high priced book.

The content of this book is very comprehensive. The author provides very useful information to consider about college success. It really helps you to understand more about life in college. The information about your health, finances, careers, more

The content of this book is very comprehensive. The author provides very useful information to consider about college success. It really helps you to understand more about life in college. The information about your health, finances, careers, etc. are very comprehensive.

I really enjoyed COLLEGE SUCCESS! I thought it was comprehensive and encouraged students to reflect deeply on the content with the embedded reading quizzes and activities. I really appreciated the tone of the book; it was relaxed and conversational, while still maintaining a "professional" air. Additionally, there was a constant, underlying message that the student is responsible for his/her learning. That message is critical, but it often gets lost in college success books because they are trying to provide easy solutions, when the reality is that college is hard. My one bit of criticism is that the book is roughly 500 pages, which would make it difficult to get the freshmen in my First Year Experience course to read the entire book.

My favorite part about this book is that it is not corny like some other college success books. This book realizes that the reader may be fresh out of high school, or returning after many years, which I feel is not a common theme (and it should be!). It is a long book (495 pages), however it wouldn't have to be used in its entirety. In fact, this is a text I could use for two of the courses I teach, because it covers so much.

The textbook is holistic in its approach and explores social, physical, emotional and financial health as important components of college success. As an educator with 30 years of experience in advising students at Carnegie One Research institution, I would highly recommend this text as a guidebook for first year college students.

The interactive style of the textbook (charts, take-aways, chapter reviews) could be useful for the majority of the audience taking a student success course, however could also alienate readers by making them feel patronized. I think within a college success course this is always a dilemma: students will enter the course with such different needs and preferences. Another challenge with this type of general textbook on student success is that it cannot describe resources or aspects of college life which are university/ college specific.

The book contains a variety of traditionally taught college success topics at most higher education institutions such as study skills, goal-setting, note-taking, test-taking and time/self management. The other topics such as diversity, more

The book contains a variety of traditionally taught college success topics at most higher education institutions such as study skills, goal-setting, note-taking, test-taking and time/self management. The other topics such as diversity, communication and health seem to be included to match some of the leading college success books which is a plus.


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