Learn Solid State Electronics with Basic Electronics by BL Theraja PDF
Basic Electronics Solid State B L Theraja Free Download
If you are interested in learning about the fundamentals of solid state electronics, then you might want to check out Basic Electronics Solid State by BL Theraja. This book is a comprehensive guide that covers various topics related to electronic components, devices, circuits and applications. In this article, we will give you an overview of what this book is about, why it is useful for electronics students and enthusiasts, and how you can download it for free.
Basic Electronics Solid State B L Theraja Free Download
What is Basic Electronics Solid State by BL Theraja?
Basic Electronics Solid State by BL Theraja is a book that was first published in 1989 by S. Chand & Company. It is written by BL Theraja, who is a renowned author of electrical engineering books. The book has been revised and updated several times to include the latest developments in the field of solid state electronics. The book has 715 pages and consists of 24 chapters that are divided into four parts: basic concepts, semiconductor devices, amplifiers and oscillators, and integrated circuits .
Why is it a useful book for electronics students and enthusiasts?
Basic Electronics Solid State by BL Theraja is a useful book for anyone who wants to learn about the principles and applications of solid state electronics. The book explains the concepts in a clear and simple manner, with numerous examples, diagrams, tables and exercises. The book also covers a wide range of topics that are relevant for both theoretical and practical aspects of electronics. The book is designed in accordance with the syllabi of most major universities, so it can be used as a textbook for undergraduate courses in electronics and electrical engineering as well as B.Sc. Electronics .
How to download it for free?
If you want to download Basic Electronics Solid State by BL Theraja for free, you can use the links that are provided below. These links are from third-party websites that host PDF files of the book. However, we do not own or endorse these websites, so we cannot guarantee their quality or safety. Therefore, we advise you to use these links at your own risk. Alternatively, you can also buy the book from online or offline stores if you want to support the author and publisher.
Main Content
Basic concepts of solid state electronics
Circuit fundamentals and network theorems
The first part of the book covers the basic concepts of solid state electronics, such as circuit fundamentals and network theorems. In this part, you will learn about the following topics:
How to analyze electric circuits using Kirchhoff's laws, Ohm's law, power equation, voltage divider rule, current divider rule, etc.
How to apply network theorems such as Thevenin's theorem, Norton's theorem, maximum power transfer theorem, superposition theorem, etc.
How to use passive circuit elements such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, transformers, etc.
How to understand energy sources such as batteries, generators, solar cells, etc.
Energy sources and magnetism
The second part of the book covers energy sources and magnetism. In this part, you will learn about the following topics:
How to classify energy sources into primary and secondary sources.
How to compare different types of batteries such as lead-acid battery, nickel-cadmium battery, lithium-ion battery, etc.
How to understand magnetism and electromagnetism using magnetic field lines, magnetic flux density, magnetic force, magnetic induction, etc.
How to use magnetic materials such as ferromagnetic materials, paramagnetic materials, diamagnetic materials, etc.
AC fundamentals and series circuits
The third part of the book covers AC fundamentals and series circuits. In this part, you will learn about the following topics:
How to define AC quantities such as peak value, rms value, average value, frequency, period, phase angle, etc.
How to use phasor diagrams and vector algebra to represent AC quantities and operations.
How to analyze series AC circuits using impedance, admittance, reactance, resonance, power factor, etc.
How to use complex numbers and polar form to simplify AC calculations and expressions.
Semiconductor devices and applications
PN junction diode and special diodes
The fourth part of the book covers semiconductor devices and applications. In this part, you will learn about the following topics:
How to understand solid state physics using concepts such as atoms, electrons, holes, energy bands, valence band, conduction band, etc.
How to explain PN junction formation and characteristics using concepts such as doping, depletion region, barrier potential, forward bias, reverse bias, etc.
How to use PN junction diode for various applications such as rectification, clipping, clamping, voltage regulation, etc.
How to differentiate special diodes such as Zener diode, light-emitting diode (LED), photodiode, tunnel diode, Schottky diode, etc.
Optoelectronic devices and fibre optics
The fifth part of the book covers optoelectronic devices and fibre optics. In this part, you will learn about the following topics:
How to describe optoelectronic devices such as LED, photodiode, phototransistor, solar cell, optocoupler, etc.
How to explain fibre optics using concepts such as optical fibre structure, types of optical fibres (step-index fibre and graded-index fibre), modes of propagation (single-mode fibre and multimode fibre), etc.
How to use fibre optics for communication purposes such as transmission medium, modulation techniques (intensity modulation and frequency modulation), optical sources (laser diode and LED), optical detectors (PIN photodiode and avalanche photodiode), etc.
The basic transistor and its equivalent circuits
The sixth part of the book covers the basic transistor and its equivalent circuits. In this part, you will learn about the following topics:
How to classify transistors into bipolar junction transistor (BJT) and field-effect transistor (FET).
How to compare different types of BJTs such as NPN transistor and PNP transistor.