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Aiden Lopez
Aiden Lopez

Ls Land Issue 25 Retro 34

Textual Records: Letters sent, 1871-1901. Testimony concerningcontracts for Indian goods, 1866-67. Letters received concerningthe Galpin investigation, 1866-78. Records relating toPresident's inquiry regarding economy and efficiency, 1910-12. Activity reports of area offices, 1965-66. Office reports, 1965-72. General correspondence and related records, 1969-72. Records relating to the Hopi-Navajo land dispute, 1969-72.Office file, 1933-45, and reference file, 1919-45, ofCommissioner John Collier; tribal conference files of Commissioner Glenn L. Emmons, 1956-58; chronological file and office files of Commissioner Robert L. Bennett, 1966-69; office files, subject files and speech files of Commissioner Louis R.Bruce, 1969-72; and office file of Commissioner Morris Thompson,1974-76.

ls land issue 25 retro 34

Textual Records: Records of the Commissary General ofSubsistence, 1830-37. Cherokee removal records, including EasternCherokee census rolls, 1835-84; emigration rolls, 1817-38; ledgerrecording debts of Indians, 1831-36; and a register of Cherokeeswho wished to remain in the East, 1817-19. Records of the FirstBoard of Cherokee Commissioners, 1835-39; and of the Second andThird Boards, 1837-45. Records of the Fourth Board of CherokeeCommissioners, 1846-47. Chickasaw removal records, includingletters sent, 1832-61; census and muster rolls, 1837-39;abstracts of locations of land, 1836-44; reports of land salesand deeds, 1836-39; journal of expenditures, 1833-36; andstatements concerning proceeds of sales of land, 1849. Choctawremoval records, including census rolls, 1831, 1856; alphabeticallist of Choctaw reserves, n.d.; emigration lists, 1831-57;register of claims for reservations, 1834-36; reports concerningcertification of land sales, 1836-41; and statements concerningsales of Choctaw orphan lands, 1838-83. Records of the followingChoctaw Commissioners: Publius R. Pray, James Murray, and PeterD. Vroom, 1837-38; and John Claiborne, Ralph Graves, WilliamTyler, George Gaines, and Samuel Rush, 1842-54. Records relatingto land scrip, 1843-49. Creek removal records, including censusroll, 1833; index to Creek reserves, n.d.; land locationregisters, ca. 1834-86; location registers and certifications ofcontracts, ca. 1834-36; abstract of Creek contracts, 1836; reportconcerning Creek contracts, 1836; and emigration lists, 1836-38.Records of the Creek Commissioners Thomas Hartley Crawford andAlfred Balch, 1836-39.

Photographic Prints and Negatives (100,000 images): Water andland conservation projects, agricultural operations, forestryactivities, educational programs, housing, tribal councils,fairs, recreation, tourism, and Indian arts and crafts, 1948-61(CP). SEE ALSO 75.29.

Textual Records: Field notes of ancient and miscellaneoussurveys, 1797-1887. Bound, 1919, and unbound, 1910-40, fieldnotes of surveys of Indian lands and reservations. Field notes ofsurveys and resurveys of Bad River Reservation in Wisconsin(Chippewa Indians), 1915-17. Surveys of the Navajo Reservationshowing proposed irrigation work along the San Juan River withaccompanying field notes, 1903. Reference book for Indianreservations in western states, n.d. Sketches of agencies, ca.1868-70. Summary descriptions of Indian agencies and schools,1904-6. Letters received relating to allotments and certificates,1871-87, with index, 1907-9. Applications by Mohave Indians forallotments outside a reservation, 1908-10. Registers ofcorrespondence concerning certain persons, 1915-22. Letters sentrelating to land allotments, 1920-26. Indexes to allotments, n.d.Tract books, ca. 1857-1912. Plat books, 1858-1923. Plats ofIndian territory, 1897-1900. Allotment schedules, 1856-1935.Schedule and plats of unapproved allotments for the MoquiReservation in Arizona, 1911. Schedules of Indian homesteads onwhich trust period was due to expire, ca. 1915-17. Schedulesconcerning surveying and allotting, 1907-9. Ledger ofexpenditures for surveying and allotting, 1912-14. Reference bookconcerning allotments, n.d. Notes concerning allotments onreservations, 1921. Copies of documents relating to allotments,1875-1927. Records relating to allotments to the Chippewa, 1868-86. Records relating to Red Lake and Pembina Chippewa Half-BreedScrip, 1865-83. Records relating to allotments to the Kansa(s),1862; Omaha, 1871; Pawnee, 1882-83; Potawatomi, 1866-68; CitizenPotawatomi, 1868-71, 1877-95; Sauk and Fox of the Mississippi,1862; Lake Pepin Half-Breed Sioux, 1856-1915; Santee Sioux, 1872,1875, 1885; Sisseton and Wahpeton Sioux, 1876, 1884-88; DriftingGoose Band of Sioux, 1878-80; Skokomish, 1881; and StockbridgeIndians, 1876. Records relating to allotments to Ottawa andChippewa Indians in Michigan, 1855-75. Records relating toallotments on the Nemaha Half-Breed Reserve, 1857-69. Recordsconcerning purchases of land for Indian use, 1887, 1900, 1920-25. Soil and water conservation reports, 1936-66. Land management standards and surveys, 1940-66. Records relating to land transfers from Federal agencies, 1935-44. Records relating to land acquisition projects, 1934-46.

Maps (6,865 items): Township plats, maps, and diagrams of landsin Indian reservations and adjacent areas, 1850-1935 (6,300items). Manuscript, annotated, and published maps, 1911-40 (565items). SEE ALSO 75.26.

Textual Records: Appraisements, 1844-1922. Yakima landappraisement and timber schedules, 1910. Registry of DelawareIndians, patent lists, appraisement, and schedule of payments,1867-74. Schedules of appraisement and census rolls for Omaha andUmatilla Reservations, 1883-91. Reports on appraisement ofimprovements of Cherokee intruders, 1893-95. Rolls of Cherokeeintruders, 1893. Schedules of appraisements of damages byrailroads, 1899-1908. Land classification schedule for TongueRiver Reservation in Montana, 1929-30. Records relating tocertificates of indebtedness, 1861-85. Records relating to thedisposal of the Cherokee neutral lands, 1866-72. Records relatingto Chippewa and Munsee lands in Kansas, 1859-1900. Recordsrelating to the Kansas trust lands and diminished reserve, 1862-74. Tract books relating to Kaskaskia, Peoria, Piankeshaw, Wea,and Iowa trust lands, 1857. Records relating to Kickapoo lands,consisting of tract book, 1871-90; and stubs for landcertificates issued to the Atchison and Pike's Peak Railroad Co.,1866. Tract book of Omaha lands in Nebraska, 1871-83. Schedule ofnames of purchasers of Osage lands in Kansas, n.d. Recordsrelating to Ottawa trust lands in Kansas, 1864-77. Tract books toPawnee trust lands in Nebraska, n.d. Records relating toPotawatomi lands in Kansas, including stubs for certificatesissued to the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad Co., 1869;and tract books, 1866-73. Records relating to Sauk and Fox of theMississippi trust lands in Kansas, 1862, 1864-71. Recordsrelating to Sauk and Fox of the Missouri trust lands in Kansasand Nebraska, 1864-72, 1877. Records relating to Winnebago trustlands in Minnesota, 1863-75. Miscellaneous records concerningsales of trust lands, including bids, 1866, 1873-74; andschedules, 1856-73. Records relating to sales of allotments onPuyallup Reservation in Washington, 1895-1915. Records relatingto Choctaw and Chickasaw segregated coal and asphalt lands, 1904-5, 1913-14. Records concerning removals of restrictions on landsales and certificates of competency, 1906-28. Records concerningpatents and deeds, including patents, 1855-1915; receipts forpatents, 1911-28; lists of Choctaw and Chickasaw homesteadpatents, 1906; Seminole homestead deeds, 1907, 1909; letters sentconcerning deeds, 1862-67; register of deeds received forapproval, 1865-70; letters sent concerning deeds to Shawneelands, 1870-72; deed docket books, 1896-1901, 1903-7; docket bookfor Yankton deeds, 1904-7; and register of Indian deeds toinherited land, 1903-9, with index. Miscellaneous recordsconcerning disposal of Indian lands, including records relatingto sale and leasing of Cherokee outlet, 1889; records of the WarmSprings and Colville Commission, 1891; letters receivedconcerning Muskogee townsite, 1900-2, 1905-7; and register ofsales of Indian land, 1910. Applications for permits to prospect for oil and gas in Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah, 1921-27. Records relating to leases, includingtimber contracts of La Pointe Agency, 1883-89; registers ofleases by Five Civilized Tribes, 1903-9, with indexes; record ofWinnebago leases, 1907-8; powers of attorney for grazing leases,1931-35; corporation reference book, 1907-12; records relating to lease agreements in the New York Agency, 1890-1950 ; and land lease and permit reports, 1959-62. Recordsrelating to land allotments and disposition, 1854-1968. Records relating to land tenure and acquisition, 1917-47.

Textual Records: Records relating to lands reserved to individualIndians under terms of treaties negotiated between 1805 and 1830("Reserve File A"), 1825-1907; treaties negotiated between 1831and 1860 ("Reserve File B"), 1832-1907; article 19 of the 1830Choctaw Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek ("Reserve File C"), 1831-89; and treaties negotiated between 1825 and 1869 ("Reserve FileD"), 1845-1907, with registers and index. Miscellaneous reservepapers, 1825-1907. Records relating to the Choctaw Net ProceedsCase, 1875-89, 1897-98. Records concerning military bounty lands,1855-82. Records relating to claims arising from military serviceof Indians during the Civil War, 1866-90. Records relating toclaims of white settlers evicted from the Crow Creek andWinnebago Reservations, 1890-1900. Records relating to Siouxproperty claims, 1891-92. Records relating to Sioux allotment andproperty claims, 1928-ca. 1938, with index, 1926-36. Recordsrelating to an Indian claim to Chicago lake front, 1919. Recordsconcerning Papago land case, 1918-20.

Glass Negatives and Lantern Slides (66 images): Views, probablygenerated by the Bureau of Reclamation, showing irrigationprojects, farms, houses, livestock, and mining activities onIndian lands in Montana, the Dakotas, and Arizona, ca. 1914-17(GIR). SEE ALSO 75.29.


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