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Ricardo King
Ricardo King

Electromagnetic Wave Theory by Jin Au Kong: A Comprehensive Textbook for Students and Researchers

Electromagnetic Wave Theory by Jin Au Kong: A Comprehensive Textbook for Students and Researchers

Electromagnetic wave theory is a branch of physics that studies the properties and applications of electromagnetic waves, such as light, radio waves, microwaves, infrared, ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays. Electromagnetic waves are oscillating electric and magnetic fields that propagate through space and interact with matter.

Electromagnetic Wave Theory Kong.pdf

One of the most authoritative and comprehensive textbooks on electromagnetic wave theory is Electromagnetic Wave Theory by Jin Au Kong, a professor of electrical engineering and computer science at MIT. The book was first published in 1986 and has been updated several times since then. It covers a wide range of topics essential to the understanding of electromagnetic waves, such as fundamental equations, propagation in homogeneous and inhomogeneous media, reflection and transmission, waveguides, resonators, antennas, scattering, radiation, moving media, plasmas, crystals, integrated optics, lasers and fibers, remote sensing and geophysical probing.

The book is intended for graduate students and researchers who want to learn the mathematical approaches, problem solving techniques and physical interpretations of electromagnetic wave theory. It provides numerous examples and exercises that deal with practical situations and applications of electromagnetic waves. It also includes references to other books and papers for further reading.

If you are interested in learning more about electromagnetic wave theory or downloading a PDF version of the book, you can visit the website of the Electromagnetic Academy[^1^], a non-profit organization founded by Jin Au Kong to promote education and research in electromagnetics. You can also find other books and papers by Jin Au Kong and his collaborators on the website.

Electromagnetic wave theory is a fascinating and important subject that has many implications for science, engineering and technology. By reading Electromagnetic Wave Theory by Jin Au Kong, you can gain a deeper insight into the nature and behavior of electromagnetic waves and their applications.

In this article, we will review some of the main topics and concepts covered in Electromagnetic Wave Theory by Jin Au Kong. We will also provide some examples and applications of electromagnetic waves in different fields and domains.

Fundamental Equations of Electromagnetic Theory

The first chapter of the book introduces the fundamental laws and equations that govern the behavior of electromagnetic fields and waves. These include Maxwell's equations, which describe how electric and magnetic fields are generated by electric charges and currents, and how they interact with each other; the Lorentz force law, which describes how electric and magnetic fields exert forces on charged particles; the continuity equation, which expresses the conservation of electric charge; and the Poynting vector, which represents the energy and momentum carried by electromagnetic waves.

The book also introduces the concepts of scalar and vector potentials, gauge transformations, boundary conditions, sources and sinks, polarization, constitutive relations, material parameters, wave equations, harmonic fields and phasors. These concepts are essential for understanding the propagation and interaction of electromagnetic waves in different media and situations.

Propagation in Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous Media

The second and third chapters of the book deal with the propagation of electromagnetic waves in homogeneous and inhomogeneous media, respectively. Homogeneous media are those that have uniform material properties throughout their volume, such as vacuum, air or water. Inhomogeneous media are those that have varying material properties in different regions or directions, such as layered media, anisotropic media or dispersive media.

The book explains how to analyze the propagation of electromagnetic waves in different types of media using various methods and tools, such as plane waves, spherical waves, cylindrical waves, ray optics, geometrical optics, Fresnel coefficients, Snell's law, Brewster's angle, total internal reflection, evanescent waves, normal modes, dispersion relations, group velocity and phase velocity.

The book also discusses some important phenomena and effects that occur when electromagnetic waves propagate in different media, such as reflection, refraction, transmission, absorption, attenuation, dispersion, polarization rotation, birefringence, dichroism and Faraday effect. e0e6b7cb5c


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